
My journey to self-discovery and embracing body positivity has been the driving force behind my artwork. As a professional artist based in At The Art Garage in Yungaburra, I focus on painting the beauty of the female form, celebrating its changes and uniqueness. 

 In 2014, when I was diagnosed with breast cancer, my journey towards self-discovery began, and art became my solace. While I've always had a knack for abstract art, over the past decade, I've shifted my focus to painting the female body.

 My battle with breast cancer inspired me to delve into the realms of body positivity. Conversations with my girlfriends reinforced the struggles many women face in appreciating their bodies. Thus, armed with a paintbrush, I embarked on a mission to reveal truths about self-worth and body positivity.

 Starting with portraits of my friends, I aimed to highlight their beauty and break down their insecurities. Through my art, I strive to empower women, helping them heal their relationship with themselves, fostering confidence, and challenging society's narrow standards of beauty.

Today, I commission my paintings to women nationwide, spreading the message of self-love and acceptance through art.